In my 20s. Is there something wrong with me? I’ve been seeing this guy for a few months and we get along great and during the first couple months, he couldn’t keep his hands off me and he was hard all the time and we would fuck multiple times a day. He never went soft during sex or blowjobs. He says he really likes my pussy and that I’m really tight. He also said that he loves getting head from me too. And he’s always calling me pretty/sexy/beautiful, etc. And he still initiates sex and still touches me and cuddles me and he still wants to see me almost everyday. But for the past few weeks, sometimes he goes soft inside me or during a blowjob. He gets really hard when he’s close to cumming and he still cums but I’m concerned that he’s not attracted to me or that maybe I’m not as good at sex/blowjobs as he says I am. Like the other night, I got to hang out with him and he immediately asked for a bj. It took me a long time to get him hard and if I took a few seconds to catch my breath, he would go soft again and it would take awhile to get him back up. Eventually he got rock hard as he was getting closer to cumming and he did end up cumming in my mouth but it took a long time. And he still cums during sex too. But sometimes he goes soft inside my vagina as well, not to that extent tho but it still happens occasionally. I always shower before doing anything with him, I brush my teeth, wear clean clothes, and most of the time I do wear makeup. But do you think maybe he’s getting bored of me or is starting to find me unattractive or not his type or something? He’s older than me but still young. And he’s not nervous, he’s had several partners before me and him getting soft on me was never an issue when we first started sleeping together. He’s not overweight or unhealthy I dont think. I have no idea how much he masturbates either. So I don’t know what else could be the problem other than me? Is my vagina/Bjs not very good? Is he not that into me?
*I will add that he owns a male sex toy (a pussy) idk how much he uses it tho. And I see him pretty much everyday so we do have a lot of sex. I’m worried that he possibly discovered that i’m not very good at sex now that I’m not “new” anymore and the excitement of a new sex partner has worn off. Or maybe he just doesn’t actually find me very hot or something…

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