I have trouble, remembering people names and some peoples names stick very easily and some take forever. That means that there’s some people who I’ve been seeing For months, for hours every day and I don’t know their name And I’ve also never talked to them And if I have it’s been something very short. I have taken the approach of just going up to them randomly and asking them their name, but that gives the impression that they’ve done something wrong or I have Ulterior motives That’s not the case and I just want to know their names so I can know how to refer to them And make more friends with the people in my class. I don’t know the names of my classmates and I barely have any friends any friends. I have stay at school because I don’t know how to deepen the relationship And I have Keeping the conversation going on text outside of school. I’m a junior about to be a senior, but I feel about as lost as a freshman socially Even some of the freshmen are quickly making friends, but I’m not possibly because I lived across the country For 13 years before I came here. I didn’t grow up with anybody here. I’m joining them all As a teenager and autistic one at that with half of my face covered by dreads. I want to engage with people more, but not knowing their names makes it hard.

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