So for context we have been together about 5 months and are both early 20s. When i’m drunk I like to make up little lies to people I don’t really know and this is one of those.
When we first went on a night out together before we started dating I (f) told him that I had lived in Spain for 2 years as I am half Spanish. The half Spanish part is true but I have never lived there (besides visiting family on holiday).
In the moment I didn’t think anything of it as I didn’t see us getting serious together.

Now the concept of meeting the parents has arisen and I am scared he is going to ask about the years I “lived in Spain” as a child. He has brought it up multiple times throughout the relationship and every time I haven’t had the heart to tell him it’s made up so I just double down on the lying.

So the question is, how do I tell him it’s a lie without breaking trust- it’s the only thing i’ve lied about the entire relationship and to me it’s funny but he might not see it that way.
Do I tell him it’s not true after all this time or do I just tell him to never mention it to my parents? Please help

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