For context:

I have an extremely high sex drive and an amazing partner who I care about deeply. When we’re together, everything is perfect and sometimes we’ll have sex like 5-6 times within a 24 hour span (I say this just to make it obvious that my needs are totally met and we have the same very high libido, which is amazing).

That said, when we’re apart for several days at a time, I catch myself fantasizing about random strangers at the gym, on the street, etc. and will masturbate to porn 2-3 times a day. I despise cheating and would never, ever cheat on a partner, so I know i will never act on these fantasies. However, I still feel guilty that I’m even having these fantasies in the first place. I also have ADHD and recently heard that hypersexuality can be correlated, which I had never heard before, but would explain a lot (if true). Curious to hear if any other ADHDers have experienced this too.

So, I’d love any tips on how to stop these fantasies and distract myself from that kneejerk reaction whenever it pops up, I really dislike the fact that my brain has such an insatiable impulse to just fuck everything in sight, even when rationally and emotionally that’s not what I want.

Throwaway account for obvious reasons.

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