I (28F) started seeing this guy (29M) back in early February and we started moving really quickly. He asked to be sexually exclusive after the first date but I found out end of February that he slept with someone else after that. He got one of those anon std texts and I was upset because we had unprotected sex. He stopped seeing each other at the end of February because it moved very quickly.

At the beginning of April, we decided to slowly start seeing each other again. It has been moving very slowly and we just had sex again for the first time last night (with condoms). It’s been moving very slow. Only seeing each other once every like 8 days, not really texting, he won’t call or plan real dates, he won’t tell me how he feels about me and I’ve been feeling so confused.

After sleeping with each other last night, I asked about being exclusive. He kind of dodged the question and responded with “I can see us being sexually exclusive but not exclusive exclusive” as he wants to continue to explore talking with other women. This hurt and I kind of feel that even though we have restarted back up again at the beginning of the month, I feel like I would know by now if he really wanted to commit to me.

I don’t know what to say to him or how to initiate the conversation that being exclusive is something that is important to me. I also feel like I’m being dragged and it sucks. I really like him and spending time with him but I feel like I need to do something about it. How do I go about this?

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