Women,how fun was your highschool life?

  1. Absolutely loved high school! Had a great group of friends that I’m still close with 15 years later even though we’ve all moved. Loved sporting events, had my fair share of partying lol but was not over the top abs had good grades, etc.

  2. Only somewhat fun, even as a cheerleader + homecoming queen. College on the other hand was a blast

  3. Worst years of my life. I made some good friends but there was a lot of negative that surrounded that.

  4. I felt very uncertain about myself but I had a lot of good moments despite that.

  5. I live in Poland. I was in technique school (where you learn a profession and also have Nirmal high-school classes). It was awful. Schools like this here are terrible, cause teachers don’t really teach you important things.
    I was supposed to learn graphic design, but all they showed us was 3 simple tools in photoshop and illustrator. Then for the rest of 4 years with the only skill being those 3 tools we had to do newspapers, magazines, covers, posters etc. while they weren’t even in the class room for the next 4-5h.
    They said we have to think for ourselves and figure it out with internet. Yh thanks for teaching me nothing.
    No useful other tools, effects, keyboard shortcuts, combos to do something cool, no rules how to make a composition, no rules how to make shadows, highlights, how to cut out things from pictures, how blend it in, just absolutely nothing.

    The worst spend 4 years of my life..

    Also one of the teachers abused us mentally, screaming, manipulating, not listening what we had to say. But at the first ever class he said he wants us always go into a class relaxed and not afraid.. but made our life a living hell.

    My depression got much worse, I was sleep deprived, my social anxiety got worse too. When it ended I was suicidal every hour of the day, was scared to even go buy some food, didn’t want to get out of the bed and slept for months straight.

  6. It wasn’t 😂 I had people bullying along with bully’s. What I do miss is my weight at the time🥹

  7. Not very. I was bullied a lot and had very little support for my mental health issues.

  8. It was a time of extremes. I swear, some of the most fun I ever had was in high school, but there was also some of the absolute worst times.

  9. Pretty bad.

    I went to a school for rich kids with a scholarship so, I was cast out for being poor. I felt left out all the time, and had to deal with the pressure for good grades and not waste the opportunity to go to a good school. My “friends” were all fake, only hung out with me because I was smart but then laughed at me behind my back. You couldn’t pay me to go back.

  10. Mixed. Was being bullied by my ‘friends’ and lots of other people. My ah emotionally abusive dad left. At same time I met my partner of 15 yrs and grew into a stronger person.

  11. Looking back, I had an amazing high school experience. But in the moment I was so concerned with image, having the “best” social life, the possibility of being excluded, etc, that I don’t think I knew how good I had it.

  12. There is not enough money in the world to bribe me into going through that again

  13. I did everything i could to graduate early. Everyone told me I’d regret missing my senior year. No regrets so far.

  14. Miserable. I was bullied at school, then went home to get bullied some more. I’m honestly surprised that I survived it all, actually.

  15. If i woke up in high school again i would unalive myself on the spot.

    Overall i had a great time/s

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