I (27M) and my dance partner (23 FTM) dance at a studio and have been getting closer chatting on social media. We are working on a public performance together in a few months. He’s asked me about my birthday, how I’m doing, said he finds things I’ve done cute, etc.

After practice on Tuesday, he was talking with others, so I didn’t talk much with him on the way out. I got a message from him after leaving. He asked, ‘*Hey you feeling okay? I feel you were quieter today’.*

I replied, ‘*Yeah, was tired. I wanted to ask but felt you were tired so didn’t want to ask too many questions and bother you. I think we thought the same thing! Just my ADHD, I’ll try not to think about what the other person’s thinking – I get it wrong all the time!’*
They said ‘*Oh yeah no worries – assume I’m not thinking about anything – no thoughts in my head!’*

Yesterday’s practice, he seemed happy, smiling, we danced and talked. He laughed at stuff I said, said I should meet his cat.
I asked about him and he mentioned starting university next week, a lot of study, changing sleep schedule, and having to clean up his house for his family moving back in.

After lunch (which he didn’t eat), he walked ahead and used his phone. He started sighing in practice and didn’t make much eye contact – he started looking demotivated and nonchalant.
I asked him, ‘*All good? tired?*’ he replied, ‘*Yeah’*. I made less eye contact in our scenes, as I was sensitive to this.

I waited for him after rehearsal and asked if he wanted to practice our dance privately (our instructor asked us to) – he said blankly he has a lot of stuff this week but will be in town.

We left as a group, he talked but he walked ahead and put earphones in. I felt he wanted to move off or wanted distance.

Has he lost interest? He changed so much just only after lunch today. Should I ask him if he wants to rehearse privately together this week on *x* day?

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