Throwaway because I don’t want this tied to my account.

My husband and I (29) are in a trip and have been coming out of a dead bedroom that lasted years. I’m super proud of our progress in the last year but I’m finding that it’s hard to me to stay present during the act and sex just doesn’t seem as enjoyable? Like if it’s too quiet, I start to get into my head about how quiet it is. My clit is super sensitive so I have to tell him to be gentle multiple times when he’s going down on me or fingering me and I feel like it pulls us both out of it. I don’t want to bring this up to him yet because I know it’ll just be a blow to what we’ve been building (he’s been pretty satisfied with once or twice every couple of weeks and I’ve been needing a lot more so we’re trying to find a middle ground).

Any one experience this or have any advise? I want sex to feel good and get lost in it like I used to at the beginning of our relationship. We’ve been together for 10 years and he’s the only person I’ve been with so I’m not even sure if this is just a common thing that happens at this point.. so here I am turning to the internet.

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