When my boyfriend and I have sex, if he’s on top he’s rubs his face ony face. sometimes extremely hard. Sometimes he puts so much pressure on my cheek or on my eye with his chin and it’s so uncomfortable. The worst part is that he usually has stubble. I have really sensitive skin and pretty much every time we have sex and he’s on top I come away with severe whisker burn on my face that’s hot and inflamed and lasts for hours. He doesn’t seem to notice or if he does he doesn’t say anything. Ive tried to mention it to him before but he’s like a pretty clammed up awkward dude and didn’t even acknowledge that I had even said anything to him.

I’ve slept with a number of men and I’ve never had anyone do this to me before. It hurts. And it feels kinda lazy on his part. I have no idea how he manages to do this. I hate trying to bring it up because he’s painfully difficult to try to communicate with. He prefers the stay silent about everything route and he’s kinda sensitive. But at this point It’s actually ruining sex for me. I can never finish, and this beard burn thing is one reason why. I kinda just want to be like “ow that really fucking hurts, stop it!” But I feel bad…

I’m kind of venting here but if anyone has any advice on how I could maybe bring it up to him, or what to do, it would be extremely appreciated.

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