Hey everyone,

I’m a 24-year-old woman seeking support and guidance for a tough situation in my relationship with my 31-year-old partner. We’ve been together for about two months now, and while we deeply care for each other, we’re facing challenges in physical intimacy.

The issue at hand is my partner’s difficulty in reaching climax during our intimate moments. It’s not a physical problem but rather a psychological block he’s developed after a few instances in bed. He’s begun to doubt my enjoyment, suspecting that I might be faking it, which has created a barrier preventing him from releasing.

This misunderstanding has led to significant strain between us, causing frustration and tension. It’s disheartening for me to feel misunderstood and to see him doubting my sincerity when all I want is to please him.

There have been moments of emotional turmoil, especially when my partner gets upset. However, amidst his anger, he often expresses a desire to connect more deeply, almost as if it were our first time together. Other times, he suggests that I might be trying too hard or that there’s another side to me causing this blockage, despite my assurance that I’m fully present and genuine when I’m with him.

Initially, our relationship was thriving, but lately, this issue has become a significant roadblock.

I’ve tried to reassure him and be supportive, but I feel lost and unsure about what to do next.

I love my partner deeply, and I want us to have a fulfilling and meaningful connection in every aspect. However, navigating this challenge has been tough, and I could really use some advice.

Any insights or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for listening.

TL;DR: We are together for 2 months and he still can’t finish from blockade in mind

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