TL;DR: My FWB was supposed to let me know yesterday afternoon if he wanted to hangout and 12 hours later at 1am he text me that he was on the phone with him mom and grandma and it got too late. How to respond?

I’m 43F and my FWB is 29M. We’re both very clear on what this is and the “friends” piece is important. We have dinners, drinks, golf, talk, etc.

Well, he’s going out of town this weekend and I told him at noon yesterday (Tues) if he wanted to see me it had to be yesterday bc I have my kids tonight. He says he’s got a few things going on, can probably make it work, but doesn’t want me in limbo. I let him know I didn’t have other plans, see how he day falls out, and let me know when he knows. That was at 1pm. At 1am (I was sleeping) he texts me, “I know I suck. I was on the phone with my mom and grandparents and it got too late” 12 hours later.

That’s it.
Here’s my take…it would’ve taken 2 seconds to send me a message that it wasn’t going to work and I would’ve been totally cool with that and he knows that. I don’t feel that he was respectful of my time and that is important to me. I didn’t write him back. I needed to think. If he had reached out again today I would’ve explained that I didn’t think he was respectful of me and my time, but he didn’t double text.

He leaves for FL in the morning. Do I a) respond to him and let him know we can discuss when he gets back. Or b) let it go and wait for him to reach back to me? Either way I’m not going back and forth with him while he’s in FL with friends. Too dramatic for my liking.


  1. Isn’t the point of FWB to just do when convenient for both? Like I feel he doesn’t owe you an explanation you guys are not dating.

  2. I think you’re making it worse than it should. The dude forgot and the relationship is fwb. Let it be.

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