( just saying i’m an ENTP woman )

I think i’ve got a crush on this guy in my class.
He’s around my height maybe my height, ( i’m 169cm so 5’6,5 ?) which is interesting because my type is usually tall guys since i’m quite tall, taller then the average.
He’s asian, chinese to be specific. His family owns a chinese restaurant in my city ( which is quite famous and very good btw ). Anyway he’s sporty like he goes to the gym and has like huge biceps and abs but wears baggy clothes and doesn’t brag about it which i find super hot. It’s really the thing that attracted me : he’s quiet and kind of a loner. He got friends for sure, but still that doesn’t change his quiet personality. Plus he doesn’t seem to be shy,he does a lot of eye contacts with people but he just looks like he has no interest in people it fking turns me on. Still, he’s nice like i’ve talk to him a few times, like small talk just asking stuff like « you got a pen ? », he’s nice.
Anyway i don’t what to do, i wanna talk to him but about what ? Plus it’s almost the end of the year and we are seniors so we’re about the graduate. Should i contact him after graduation or before ?

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