***Edit: Not seeking relationship advice with my wife. Literally curious how guys that get blowjobs make it happen. Or ladies, what is it that makes you decide to blow a guy.***

***Edit 2: Not limited to married couples here. I’m curious how it happens outside of marriage. Seems like women are replying more about just doing it when they feel like it.***

Up front, this is a curiousity question at this point and I’m not actively trying to get blowjobs from women.

I’ve had this issue where my wife was active in giving blowjobs before me but doesn’t want to give me any. It’s a long story on how I know but I’ll spare the details. She’s given me two blowjobs in 20+ years, I know there are many other dudes she blew before me.

Bringing this up in a different community has sparked comments that I wasn’t assertive in early dating and marriage so I didn’t get what I wanted, but they were so they did. So apparently I don’t know how to ask for or assert that I want blowjobs from a woman?

So, the question, how do you get blowjobs? Do you literally ask? Do you nudge a woman’s head down to give her the idea? Do you just wish and it comes true? I know zero of these work on my wife (no I don’t push her head down there, joked once and it didn’t go well).

Having only had sex with my wife, I’m not sure if I’ve been going about this wrong or if there really is a way other women respond and give head. I’ve given up on my wife ever doing it again but curious what I missed out on earlier in life.

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