So straight to point my girl Vagina has a smell that I can’t take. I’ve had countless vagina and I know vagina naturally has a scent and I know some people can take that natural scent but I’ve gotten used to it and ok with that smell as I matured over the years. I actually love eating out women. One of My past 2 girlfriends had no scent at all. She was the first girl I ever smelled that literally didn’t have a scent at all and my very last ex vagina, had a scent but it smelled just how a vagina is supposed to smell. My current girl has a fishy scent, but not fishy in the sense that she’s unclean or has an infection or STI. She is clean in every sense of the word. Hygienic and STD/infection wise but she smells a bit fishy. She only eats fish and sea food. She doesn’t eat chicken or any kind of other meat. So I’m really thinking that’s what’s causing that fishy sent. I’m a chef and one day I was frying Tilapia fish and after I took it out the fryer it reminded me of my girlfriend because it smelled exactly the way her vagina smells when it starts to release fluids. Side note she eats that fish a lot as well, almost every day. I know your vagina can smell and taste like what you eat like. My issue is idk how to tell her without her feeling hurt, insecure or body conscious. The last thing I want to do is mess up our sex life by telling her that. She’s starting to notice I’m not enjoying it because I don’t do it often and I don’t get to do it well because I literally get turned off so badly when she starts to get wet. She’s asking if I don’t like to do it or I just don’t like to do it on her but the honest answer to that question is I don’t like to do it on her but I absolutely can’t tell her that, cuz that will crush her into pieces and that’s the last thing I’m trying to do. What do I do? She takes everything personal and gets hurt and emotional easily. I seriously need help.

  1. Prob BV, which is not big deal if treated properly and pretty common. Ask her to go see her GP to get it sorted.

  2. [Not a medical professional.] A fishy smell could be a symptom of bacterial vaginosis. It’s not uncommon, and it can happen to even the most hygienic of people. (Meaning, you can do everything right and still potentially get it; it’s not anyone’s fault.) It would be something that would warrant a visit to the gynecologist for a swab test (to confirm) followed by potential treatment options, though.

    Regardless of that — I know you’re not trying to hurt her feelings. Many, many people are insecure about the way they potentially smell. Though, it seems like she’s already realized that something’s up with your willingness to go down on her. With that in mind, it’s possible that *not* telling her the truth would actually hurt her feelings more in the long-term, especially if she finds out later down the line that you weren’t being truthful. Talking with her might save her a lot of suspicion, confusion, worry, and insecurity that she’d feel if you stayed silent (while still being visibly affected).

    Relationships are built on trust and communication. Even if the communication is unpleasant (such as having to bring up a sensitive issue like this one), that’s often the way that things move forward.

    If you do bring it up, it might be a good idea to make sure to let her know that you don’t have any negative feelings towards her as an individual, and that you still love her. That you don’t blame her. That you’re speaking up because you’re concerned for her health.

    That you’re telling her because you want to be honest instead of dancing around something that could affect you both. That you’re not trying to hurt her feelings. That you’re trying to work with her. That you care about her.

    If she understands where you’re coming from, she might still feel insecure, but by talking with her, you’d have the opportunity to show her your feelings/intentions in a situation that isn’t in the heat of the moment.

  3. Quick question… have you changed clothe washing detergent ?

    If not get her to see a medical professional.

  4. I’m not being funny it very well could me because she consumes only seafood.
    I remember had sex with a partner that ate a slim Jim maybe a hour before we had sex.. I swear when I ate her it had mild smell of a slimjim. I wasn’t mad but it was definitely a surprise.

  5. Then wash it…Unless you mean you’re dating a girl named Vagina who smells bad, in which case you should buy her some soap.

  6. It’s definitely the fish if she’s eating fish! Just make sure you bring up the fact that you understand that the smell is coming from the fish and not her. It’s not that she’s unclean, it’s the fish.

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