So me (M26) and my ex (F25) broke up in February. Long story short: we dated for 6 months but due to her being an international student their was always the question: what after her study. She wanted to work somewhere else and I felt this could become a big issue in our relationship. But in february out of nowhere she broke up with me as she said: I feel i cant love you even though you are the perfect boyfriend.

It sucked for me as it was my first healthy relationship where we communicated healthy and discussed our needs and gave eachother space, and personally I also felt that the different views in future would create issues.

Now it is April and I met a girl (F26) with whom i texted and she is super nice, asking a lot about me and we had our first date last thursday. During this date we found out we had a lot of similiarities and the date ended with us drinking a bit more then anticipated. When we walked out of the bar she started making out with me and I froze a bit, which she did not notice. Then i brought her home and she kissed me again. I processed the entire situation during this weekend and realised I kept comparing her with my ex and the reason i froze is that it felt like i cheated on her, even though we broke up a few months ago. I think I froze and it felt weird is because it is the first time i had a dat with a girl after my breakup and first time i kissed another girl. But I also feel i keep comparing her to my ex wich is not fair towards the girl i am now dating. So yeah I am kinda stuck, should i just take it slow and give her a chance, or think i am not ready for dating yet and tell the girl I want to cancel the second date as it is too soon for me?

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