I think my dental hygienist was interested in me. He made a point to bring up that he won’t be working at my dentist after this month. So I have an appointment coming up, and it’ll probably be the last time I see him. Would it be crazy to give him my number at the end of the appointment? I don’t like the idea of putting someone on the spot at their work, and I can’t imagine being interested in someone after cleaning their teeth. Yet, he did seem to be flirting with me multiple times, and he did make a comment out of the blue that I should come visit his town some time.

  1. Ask him for his number but don’t be like “give me number” just say it in like a smooth easy way like “wanna exchange numbers?”

  2. Be respectful, this is where he works even if it’s not much longer. Write your number on a piece of paper and AFTER the appointment give it to him and say “in case you ever want to have coffee or have dinner”. This way if he’s not interested he has the privacy to reject you and you save face.

  3. why do i get the feeling it will forever be rare for girls to ask a guy out or for girls to be the initiators when it comes to starting a relationship, even a full century from now or more, it will still be one-sided

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