alr sorry i didnt know if i titled it right or if this is even right place to post, but i am going to this party thing and two of my friends will be there( friend 1 and 2 😭). So friend 1 msged me asking if imma b there and that he has smthng for me (bc im moving far away from both soon and i wont see them that much). he also mentioned friend 2 might not b there bc he is sick. i think friend 1 made a sweet gesture and i want to get him smthng too! But idk if i should get friend 2 something… is it impolite if i dont? Esp if hes there, and i give friend 1 a gift in front of him 😭. But the thing is, I am way closer to friend 1. We text nearly everyday and share so much info and updates of our lives. Friend 2, I barely ever talk to and its so formal. We r like acquintances. Im not rlly good at gift giving or taking 😭 im pretty socially awkward so idk! i dont rlly fw friend 2 like that but idk what is socially acceptable im prolly overthinking

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