My(f24) boyfriend(m26) cries all the time. It’s starting to bother me.

Me & my boyfriend have been dating for 2 years now and i’ve noticed that he literally cries about everything.

Whenever we have disagreements, he would cry and beg me not to leave him instead of trying to solve the problem with me. I’ve always reassured him that i am not gonna leave him because of a mild disagreement and that he needs to communicate with me. But he would just cry and apologize. We don’t really solve anything and the same problem with occur again.

He cried when we were not placed in the same group for a project. He cried when i got a job and he did not. He cried when we ordered food and it ran late. He cries watching movies. He cries listening to songs.

I’ve gently suggested him to try get a therapist and he cried because he felt i insinuated that’s he’s crazy or something.

One time i had some problems with my friends and just wanted to rant 🙃. He cried hearing the story.

Sometimes when we are on video call at night, he would randomly cry and say how he feels like the world is too unfair to him.

At this point, i have not really seen any emotion in him other than crying. I’m always walking ok eggshells around him because i don’t wanna make him cry.

I mean i’m glad that he is emotionally vulnerable to me but is this normal?

Tl;Dr My boyfriend just cries a lot.

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