Me (28M) and my partner (27M) recently got engaged and whilst that’s been great, it’s made me reflect on our relationship and the very real possibility of spending the rest of our lives together. Coincidentally, we recently had a fall out over my partner’s eating habits. He’s a self-proclaimed very fussy eater, who refuses to eat any fruit or vegetables and frequently talks about how he’ll happily eat the same 5 things over and over again (these mainly being plain pizza, burgers, pasta etc), I come from an Asian background and he’s as Scottish as they come. I’ve tried cooking for him before, taking into account his fussiness and it’s either resulted in him refusing to eat it or claiming that it made him feel ill after. I love cooking and would honestly say it’s one of my love languages (cooking for someone, someone cooking for me, or cooking together) and I’m honestly struggling to see how I can spend the rest of my life with someone cooking separate meals every night. I’ve spoken to my family about this who advised just cooking whatever I wanted to eat and it’s his choice if he wants some or to make something else for himself (it almost always results in the latter) but I miss that experience of cooking and bonding over food together with someone (or having someone cook for me that didn’t involve putting a frozen pizza in the oven). I was wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and what they did to resolve it?

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