Feel like relationships needs some banter most of the time lol

  1. I roast my partner pretty frequently, but they usually don’t reciprocate. I’m not sure if they don’t think I can take it or if they just don’t think of it.

  2. Daily! At least once. But we are both smiling while we do it. Never done in anger.

    And we have so much fun. It usually ends in a make out session.

  3. Pretty much never, but “roast” might mean something different to me. “Banter” implies a more friendly form of teasing, and we do that sometimes.

  4. roasting each other is fundamental in a relationship. daily, many times daily

  5. Banter is healthy, if they cant handle the banter, their humor doesn’t align with yours and its going to be tough.

    But if your banter aligns with you SO, its going to be a really fun relationship

  6. Yeah we don’t play that game anymore bc one of us inevitably crosses a line. And while it’s very funny it still ends in someone being angry.

    Or fucking. Life is strange

  7. Too often it feels like, lol. It just rolls off my tongue naturally. I wanna be nice, I do.

  8. Many many times a day. We also join in with siblings to roast eachother.

    It can get pretty intense some times. If people overheard us they would probably think we are miserable or being verbaly abusive. All while we fight from giggling and snickering the whole time.

  9. Frequently and ferociously. We don’t color inside the lines, they were meant to be crossed. As a plus makeup sex is hot.

  10. In the beginning, often.

    Actualky the lack of roasting was my first clue things were about to end.

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