Hi! I hope this is allowed. I apologise if it’s too sexual of a topic.

So I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. (Both in early twenties) The sex life was good in the beginning, then we moved in together after about a year and it started getting less frequent. As a woman with a normal libido (I would be in the mood about once a week, sometimes more) I was surprised to see he didn’t show interest as often. I knew however he relieved himself and wasn’t bothered by it, I watch porn as well and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

The issue is however, in the last months due to a medical condition I wasn’t able to have sex. I got well and we had sex about 6 days ago. Now, considering that we haven’t had sex in 5 months prior to that I expected him to be more eager to have it with me, however I noticed he got home and watched porn in the bathroom when I even made it obvious yesterday that I was in the mood. I was pretty hurt by it, and when I asked him about it he kept lying that he didn’t. (His volume accidentally went up and it was obvious)

To be noted that my physical appearance didn’t change during the relationship, except for my hair that grew longed. Also, we are happy, fighting rarely happens and it’s more of a disagreement than anything, no yelling or calling names.

Also, I am quite attractive as is he. I only mention this because it crossed my mind that if I were overweight or uglier I would maybe understand his lack of physical attraction.

Do you guys think he isn’t attracted to me anymore? Weirdly enough he acts lovingly towards me but it seems I don’t excite him anymore. I fear he will start wishing to have sex with other women. He is my whole world, since being with him no other man compares.

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