Tldr at the bottom.

So I just moved to a new city and as a shy male in late 20s its tough to start a whole new social life innit? Anyway, I go to this farmers market and stable upon this stall with a cute girl selling chocolates. I firkin love chocolates so ofc I go for it. They actually turn out ot be really good and not that expensive, so I buy 2 and get their info etc.

2 weeks later, I get this craving of them chocolates again (at this point I’ve forgotten about the girl) so I go to their website and order 4-5 bars for pickup. But silly me, I choose the farther location and I have one a few blocks away. So I place another order at the closer one for the next day. I call the customer care number to cancel the first order – on answer, I leave it be. Few hours later I get a call from them to clear out the situation with two orders; first one is cancelled, second one is confirmed.

The next day I go to the address and its a home address. I am in the process of double checking the address when a cute girl opens the door. She greets and brings out the bag with chocolates, we exchange pleasantries and she asks where did I hear about them before. I tell her that I visited the farmers market but forgot the location, she understood (I think?). In the small talk I mentioned that I just moved out to the city. She mentions a place to go check out. And that she’ll text the next farmers market details when she’ll be opening the stall. I asked if its the number she called me yesterday from, she said no and that she’ll text from her own number (yay?). We say bye, and oh yeah forgot to mention she has a dog, she was friendly too, gave here a few rubs.

I come home whit the treats, opened one, enjoying it when I get the text from her with farmers market details and the name of the place she mentioned. Said thanks and that will try to make to the fm and checkout the place. Dumb me realized later that she’s the same cute girl who I saw on the stall I the first place. The place is an ice skating rink.

So, I know she is supposed to be nice because she’s selling her product but idk I felt a great vibe from her, her apt gave a cozy atmosphere. She mentioned where they make the chocolates (the farther location) and I think, I think, mentioned to check it out (I got kinda distracted by her bare feet on the dark wooden floor for a moment so can’t fully recall properly). She also sent info from her own number when she could have just verbally told me or sent from company number, right? She mentioned a skating rink (that’s a great first date place no?) The next fm where she’ll be is 2 weeks out.

As you can see I’m overthinking way too much. Should I just ask her out or wait for the second fm? I’ve been out of the dating scene for quite a while.

TLDR: Moved to a new city, met a cute girl at farmers market. She’s the vendor. Ordered chocolate from them again because they were actually good, end up meeting girl again (about whom I totally forgot about after fm). I felt a vibe from her, she texts me the info on next farmer market and mentioned an ice skating rink in the city for me to checkout. I know she is supposed to be nice because she’s earning money but idk.. Should I just dive in or something else?

Edit: Added TLDR

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