Hello there,

I’m a German male, nearly 22 years old, and I’ve been single my entire life. Over the past decade, I’ve had casual friendships with some girls, but nothing romantic—just normal friendships.

About me: I am introverted, partly due to my stutter. I was bullied in elementary school because of my stuttering, which has led me to keep my distance from social interactions for fear of being bullied again. Although the stutter is still present, it’s not as severe as it once was. I underwent speech therapy as a child, which helped significantly. Now, as I hit the gym twice a week, I feel much more confident. My hobbies include table tennis, photography, creating 3D animations and visual effects, and the usual pursuits like listening to music and playing video games.

In the past, particularly during my teenage years, I frequently approached girls but was consistently rejected. Even nowadays, I rarely approach girls because I anticipate facing rejection again. My experiences include:

– Girls giving me fake phone numbers (twice)

– Girls claiming they are lesbian and don’t date boys (twice)

– Girls saying they are already taken (3-4 times)

– Shy girls who seemed interested but at the end they kept their distance

– Girls telling me I’m not their type

These rejections have been common over the last ten years as I’ve attempted to find a girlfriend. Nowadays, it seems even harder. It appears that many girls have high standards and expectations, or they reject almost every boy trying to form a relationship.

I’m beginning to wonder if it’s even possible to find a normal girl these days. What do girls or young women want? Many seem to start drinking or smoking around 14.

Is this an issue specific to my country, or is it more widespread? I would appreciate any thoughtful answers, as I am starting to feel overwhelmed by the situation.

Thanks! 🙂

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