After reading a lot of advice and messages on here (and my own experiences) I realize how difficult it is to rely only on dating apps in order to both get dates and get into a relationship.

I am open to meeting people in real life. I am also open to asking for dates in person. I am also a homebody, but I do go out. Normally to restaurants, or just shopping. 

I will admit I do not have a traditional social life. I do not have friends or a social circle of any sort. And I only have one coworker. I do not think he wants me to ask him out 😉

The obvious advice anyone would get in this situation is to go out to bars or meetup groups or join like a co-rec league or volunteer. I am not interested in doing those things. I prefer to keep my social life very simple and small (I also do not drink). And to be blunt I would rather remain single than to do those things. 

And asking someone out without me really knowing them is just a bridge too far for me. I realize I must seem like a hopeless case. And maybe I am. But I want to turn over every stone before I give up.

If we eliminate meeting through friends and family, through coworkers, and hobbies and like meet up groups, what are my options? Am I missing something obvious. I will admit I do not keep up to date with things. 

If you are curious, I am 37 and live just outside a couple of medium sized cities in the US. Thank you. 

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