Basically on 23rd March I wasnt concentrating and accidentally ran a red light. Police quickly pulled me over, took my info etc and within an hour I had an email to say I’d been issued with a traffic offence record.

The police told me at the time it’d be considered, and then I’d be contacted with a decision, ranging between points/fine/drivers awareness course.

32 days have passed and I’ve received no other emails, and nothings come through in the post.

I know about the whole 14 day thing when you get caught speeding by a fixed camera, but surely there’s a time limit for them to penalise me in this circumstance too?

Any insight would be appreciated!

  1. So the email was your NIP; notice of intended prosecution.

    They are legally allowed to prosecute you within six months; normally a fixed penalty is received within 28 days, but it doesn’t have to be.

    If they think it was more serious offence than a fine can cover they may prosecute it as a summary offence, and they have up to 6 months in which to do this too.

    Was it egregious i.e. was the light red for a long time, did you endanger other road users, do you have a record of driving offences?

  2. Up to 6 months.

    You were likely NIP’d at the roadside, which is what you allude to needing to be done within 14 days for a camera captured offence.

    There’s plenty of time still to hear from them.

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