I (F18) have a bf (M17). We confessed 8 months ago and started dating and casually making out until we officially became gf/bf on Christmas. We broke up for 2 weeks back in February because our religious beliefs didn’t perfectly align. But we got back together because we realized this is a high school relationship and we align pretty well in every other aspect. He said in the conversation where we were deciding whether or not we should get back together that he was worried he wouldn’t be able to spend a lot of time with me because of ballroom nationals coming up. He’s big into ballroom and does it both in and outside of school very seriously. I said this would be fine and I would just deal with it, besides I had a play I was in and would be busy around that time too.

Well now I’m dealing with it. It’s past nationals but he’s more busy then ever. He is taking on more ballroom classes and even got a new partner because his old one wasn’t as dedicated to practicing as he is. I told him that I felt like my affections were not being reciprocated and he said he understood and wished he could do more but he’s just too busy. I asked if we could have one night a week to hang out but if that didn’t work one every two weeks that was reserved for us. He told me he didn’t know if that was possible. But he did say he would try to make Saturday evenings work. Saturday is usually when all my other friends plan things due to extra curriculars in the week but I decided this was the best option so I’d sacrifice those opportunities. After this discussion I saw him the next day texting his partner who asked when they could practice and he immediately started responding with multiple times. This really upset me since he was able to make time for more ballroom but seemingly not for me. I tried telling him this but he replied with “ballroom is THE priority.” Which I’ve always know and I’m not asking him to quit or anything, I just wish I was also a priority. I walked away before I could start crying. He used to have one or two days off during the week so we could hang out decently consistently at the beginning of our relationship. Now I just feel super unimportant.

I know he loves me, I don’t doubt that fact for a second. I just don’t know what to do. I’m jealous of his partner, not because I think he might be cheating, he’s not that kind of guy and she’s 15, but the fact that he’ll immediately jump on the chance to rehearse when she asks makes me feel kinda bad. I love him so much and we’ve always been good at communicating, but I just don’t know what to do now. What should I do?
If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer them. Also sorry if this isn’t a good post as it is my first time.

TL;DR; My boyfriend keeps adding more ballroom stuff to his schedule while saying there’s no time for me

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