I’ve (28f) tried to date older guys, this last one I saw was (33m) and didn’t even let me know he had two daughters until I walked into his apartment. Which nbd like there was no need to hide the fact you have children. Mind you they’re apparently with his ex. I didn’t ask many questions cuz I didn’t wanna pry. Anyways I can’t get over the fact we’d been seeing one another the past week and then this week he just decided to stop messaging me all together. Maybe it’s the fact I got too drunk and threw up the last I saw him, but I apologized profusely and still no answer. It seems that boys, yes boys, these days don’t have a single capable bone when it comes to communicating properly. Least he could do is take 5 mins out of his day and say he isn’t interested in going further with our relationship rather than leaving me hanging. I thought we got along really well, had great chemistry and enjoyed our time spent with one another. It’s definitely something I’ve noticed lots with dating these days, super disappointing. The lack of respect for the other persons time and effort. It’s honestly awful, disappointing, as well as rude and makes me want to quit dating all together.
I’ve lost all hope in the male species and hope to just find a girlfriend in the near future, thankfully I’m bi 😅

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