Finances or otherwise. Doesn’t matter.

  1. Snapchat Spectacles! This was peak snapchat era and still the dumbest thing I ever purchased

  2. Furniture. I have trauma from having to abandon everything and move house in an emergency multiple times. After a few stable years I tried to settle down and buy furniture to start establishing an actual home… and bam, it happened again.

  3. Limited edition fountain pens. Don’t get me wrong, I love them. The few that I held on to, that is. I bought so many so recklessly that I ended up needing to sell most of them when unexpected circumstances came up. Couldn’t even sell them at their retail price šŸ˜­

  4. Funko pops. šŸ˜ sure they’re worth more than I spent, but they’re everywhere now & I want them gone

  5. The one time i thought I did well in finally investing in an expensive brand jeans rather than the cheapest h&m one i always get on repeat (it cost 5x the price of the h&m one, and it was 70% off already). Never had such a bad quality jeans in my life and since changed back to the cheap h&m

  6. A professionally tailored blazer from 12 years ago because people told me it’s an “investment piece”. I have never had the opportunity to wear it. None of the jobs or job interviews I’ve had required one. I couldn’t even sell it for $15 so I eventually donated it.

  7. Hobbies that I end up dropping within a week or so. And the annoying part is that I keep doing it anyway šŸ˜­

  8. Well I bought a house with my ex and then refinanced it in my name last year. Itā€™s been hard as hell and some days idk how Iā€™m gonna keep this house in good condition. I work a lot and I have a chronic illness and now on top of that recovering from a serious car accident. It sometimes feels like thereā€™s no way to keep up with this property no matter how much rest I get to tackle the to do lists.

    The worst part is itā€™s a new construction home, so needed no renovations, and yet Iā€™m still falling to shambles just to keep up with the general maintenance. Itā€™s also not a crazy large property – 1400 sq ft and a .25 acre lot. I have no idea how to balance this. Sometimes I want to cry, sell it, and rent.

  9. All my running gear lol.

    Running is fun, I really enjoy it…but it turns out my feet are fucked. I started a few months ago and gave myself plantar fasciitis. It’s now hard for me to walk in my apartment because my feet hurt so much. So even if I heal, it looks like running is not the best exercise for me. I’ll need something low impact.

    So no regrets but all my running gear – expensive shoes and all – is wasting away right now.

  10. Kitchen appliances… Waffle maker/egg boiler/food processor šŸ˜‚


  11. A 90s Fiat Ducato motorhome. Worst. Purchase. Ever.


    Bought for Ā£15k to live in, just passed MOT so should’ve been fine.

    Spent Ā£10k fixing it because it CONSTANTLY broke down.

    Sold it 1 year later for Ā£9k.


    Will never own a motorhome or a Fiat vehicle ever again.

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