My long distance bf said I love you while coming to visit me for almost 2 weeks on his last night. It happened after I returned to bed and he was already asleep which made me mad because I wanted to be able to spend time together before falling asleep for the last time together (until we see each other again). I tried to wake him up but it didn’t work so it made me emotional and I got up and cried in the bathroom. I returned and tried to wake him up again and he didn’t really but he comforted me with his hand but I still wasn’t happy so I turned away from him. Unfortunately I started to cry beside him and he continued to comfort me mid sleep with his hand. When I was ready I turned towards him and explained to him why I was upset and he said he was sorry but he just fell asleep. I could tell he meant it. So we just kind cuddled and kissed, and a few moments go by and he told me he loved me for the first time. I have thought about whether I am there yet before his trip to visit me but I wasn’t sure and forgot about it, so I was not expecting him to say it. I again cried (lmao I never cry this much) and then I told him I can’t say it yet. We talked about it the next day and I explained my feelings and thoughts and he was okay with it and understood that I need my time to say it back. He is my first serious bf so I never been in love, this relationship has been just so easy in every aspect even tho it took a while for it to happen. Like we were friends for a while and it just kinda happened slowly after some time.

Now my question is, how do I know that I feel the same way? I care about him deeply but I seem lost about how to describe my feelings and whether I am there or not and if I will be. I think my lack of saying my feelings in life previously makes it hard for me to understand if I feel that way yet. Not to mention the distance doesn’t help me with understanding it either bc I only saw him once since we became official in January. I am not saying I can’t get here I just don’t know if that is what I feel or what to look for.

TL;DR: Long distance BF (M22) said I love you but I (F23) didn’t say it back. How do you know if I am also in love with him or not yet?

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