
Recently I hooked up with one of my good friends from our main friend group- I dated another one of them for a VERY short time that I wouldn’t even call it dating- but regardless the friend I hooked up still calls him my ex.

I didn’t have ANY attraction to him at all before and he’s not my type, I saw him as an annoying brother and a good friend but never sexually or romantically. We are both 18 btw! I’m a girl and he’s a guy. We’ve been friends for about two months.

It happened a few days ago and after it happened he told me that he wanted to return to normal, that I couldn’t tell anyone ever, and that it wasn’t gonna be serious.

I’m talking to someone else atm long distance, he’s also talking to other people and I’m pretty sure he’s still not over his ex.

I think (???) I don’t have feelings for him but I can’t stop thinking about him since it happened but it’s not even romantically I just seem to want his attention more than just a friend now.

I don’t think he likes me and I don’t think I like him but I still want him to not act like we didn’t just hook up a few days ago.

If I or he offered to be FWBs, would it be a good idea or would it turn out for me for the worse in terms of mentally/emotionally?

It’s also not my first time w hook ups or FWBs- it’s just my first time with an actual friend and not an ex or a stranger.

  1. I don’t know if you really want to be FWB with this guy. Everything you wrote seems to indicate you just want to establish it happened, and you weren’t just a lay. Since he really isn’t making a big deal about it, would you really want to try and go any further with him?

  2. Ig ur right. It just hurts I guess knowing he doesn’t think it’s a big deal cuz it makes me feel like I’m overthinking and making it a big deal

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