I seem to make people nervous or uncomfortable and I don’t know why. I try to be kind and ask questions, but certain people (not all) just have this weird attitude with me and I cant put my finger on it, which is why I am here. This was especially bad in my High School, it seemed that I just didn’t click with a lot of the other kids, and I found myself acting in ways that wasn’t really me in order to attempt to fit in, but it never really worked. I never blended in like all my friends did, it felt like I didn’t belong there. I never felt insecure, just like I didn’t fit in.

I spoke with an older woman today who was interested in buying my neighbors house and I could say that we ‘clicked’. I felt more comfortable with her, but also a little on edge because she was very straightforward, which felt good! For once I am the one on edge (I cannot find a better term), which made me more interested in what she had to say. She asked me how old I was, and when I told her I was 18 she told me I act older. Maybe that’s why? And my previous friends have always told me how I get along great with their parents? maybe I fit in better with people above my age?

I understand I haven’t included much about the way I am and that’s because I’m not sure what would be noteworthy to help you guys understand how I a socially and why I may be having these problems.

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