There are some kids in my homeroom that are super popular and I don’t know the first step to take when approaching them.

At school I’m pretty introverted when I am around these people because they somewhat intimidate me. Around other people that I don’t really know I’m perfectly comfortable striking up a conversation with them and I usually get them to laugh a bit. I already have some close/semi-close friends, but I want to get to know the boys in my homeroom that I view as “the popular kids” more. Some of them are in classes with friends of mine. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.

1 comment
  1. I was the same way so i definitely understand. From my experience some or most popular kids are actually kinda cool and the rest are dickheads so don’t worry about that.
    What I learned was try acting or thinking of them as old friends you havnt seen or thought about in years and every thing about them is new. Talk slow and focus on breathing it may feel like your being weird but they don’t know you so they don’t know what your normal is. If off the top of your hear you don’t know what to talk about just ask them basic stuff eventually they’ll say something interesting.ex: what’s your name, how old are you, do you play sports.
    And if you have seen them talking to one of your friends ask them if them know them “do you know tommy?” (Yea) “oh wow that’s my friend from science class how did yall meet”
    You got this all confidence is fake and till you make it real. If you mess up aggressive and loudly for give yourself in your head focus on positive thoughts force out the negative and keep moving.

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