Because whenever I see an American movie or TV series, they are mostly just adjusting the thermostat. Never saw a ceiling fan!

  1. Two bedrooms do.

    Every house I’ve lived in has has fans in a room or two.

    We have full air conditioning and heating.

  2. We have 3.

    What specific shows are you watching where the characters are mostly just adjusting the thermostat? That sounds boring.

  3. Every house I’ve ever been in has them. You know why they aren’t in movies? Cause it’d be a visual distraction taking away from the shot.

  4. I have ceiling fans and AC. If it’s real hot in the summer I will use both. I think it’s probably cheaper to have the whole house a little warmer than it needs to be and then have the fan on in rooms we’re actually in.

  5. Yes, and they run 24/7/365. I can’t stand stagnant air. I also have central heat/air. They probably don’t show ceiling fans in tv/movies because they’d be noisy and/or visually distracting.

  6. Every house I’ve been in has had them over I don’t know maybe 20 plus years. But you wouldn’t see them on TV or movies because they would be a distraction or throw off the lighting

  7. Yep. Fans are for real life, but they’re not great for TV scenes. We also don’t look each other and have long conversations while one of us is driving, fyi.

  8. There are 8 ceiling fans in my house as well as central air conditioning. We tend to use them in combination.

  9. Yes, most bedrooms and living rooms will have a ceiling fan. I have six ceiling fans in my house! My parents have five (take that, DAD!)

  10. I have two. The ceilings in part of our house are very high, so having ceiling fans helps keep the air temp consistent.

  11. We only have one in the living room, so we have standing fans for other rooms (as well as air conditioning).

  12. I have one and use it more with the fireplace than with the central heating and air.

  13. My parents do. Currently live in an apartment so no. My parents have the money and refuse to get central air or an air conditioner cause it’s too expensive but they’ll redo carpet or paint walls.

    But honestly never thought about that

  14. Yes, several of them.

    You don’t tend to see ceiling fans in movies and TV shows because they’re mostly shot on sets and the sets don’t have ceilings.

  15. You have to understand, television shows, unless they are documentaries, don’t depict American life. They depict a highly scripted version of it, combined with what is the least problematic to film.

    Rooms have four walls. They don’t have them in tv shoes like the Big Bang Theory. TV sets are typically built in a very large warehouse structure called a sound stage. Putting in a fan would mean that the sound guys would have to deal with the noise of a fan. That’s more expense. Plus, continuity of a fan that isn’t moving, then is moving, then isn’t moving, or blades that don’t line up. That’s also expensive.

  16. TV and movie sets aren’t real American houses.

    Ceiling fans are very common here.

  17. Yes. Especially in the South. Not only do they keep a breeze going, but they act as white noise.

  18. Yes, ceiling fans are extremely common. They’re most common bedrooms, but some living rooms and kitchens have them also. 

  19. In every room. They’re great for keeping the house comfortable when it’s not hot enough for the AC.

  20. One in each bedroom but also have central a/c in the whole house.

  21. Yes, four: one in each of the three bedrooms and one in the den.

  22. Yes. In nearly every home I’ve lived in. I use air conditioning too, but the fans help circulate the air.

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