How old were you when you took your first pregnancy test?

  1. I was 25, but I’ve never taken an at home test. They weren’t available when I got pregnant.

  2. I stocked up on them when I got married, so at 19. I’ve never had any reason to believe I’m pregnant but I take it every few months or so just to be sure. I’m not trying to have a child btw.

  3. 19, when I got my IUD placed. Funnily, they mixed up my test with someone else’s and it was positive 😳

  4. 22-23. It was also the first time baby fever slammed into me, when it was negative. We never tried, and things happened that caused him to pass away and me to become all but infertile.

  5. 17

    I hadn’t had a period in almost 6 months, it’s apparently standard to test if there had been multiple missed periods, according to my old pediatrician.

    I wasn’t pregnant, instead I have PCOS.

  6. I’ve never had to take one. I’m 36. (Not counting mandatory hospital-admission ones)

  7. 17. I think I’ve done 3 all together since then which has been 15 years, and all negative.

  8. At the doctor: 14 (was still a virgin at that point, but my period was over a month late and patients lie sometimes).

    At home: 17. Negative.

    Fifteen years, tons of anxiety, fear of sex, and dozens of pregnancy tests later, turns out I’m always “late” because of PCOS, and I don’t even ovulate in the first place.

  9. I started taking them every two months since I started having sex with men so at 17 for me.

  10. Home test at 20, but I’d previously gotten blood tests ahead of hospital treatments for safety reasons when I was 18.

  11. 30. It was my first and (so far) only pregnancy test. I was happy to see it was negative!

  12. 16. It was my first time on birth control and while I was told it would cause irregularities in my cycle, I was REALLY late one month (and many more but that was the first time it happened.) Anyway, I was terrified that I was pregnant and didn’t want my ex’s baby; also because I was far too young and mentally immature to have a child. His mom bought me a pregnancy test and thankfully it came up negative.

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