Or is he actually not shy and just not that interested…?

I’ve (23F) been on 8 dates with a guy (23M) from Hinge. The dates have all been so much fun, I really really like him and that’s why I’d be pretty sad if he’s not into me haha.

Things have moved slower, we didn’t kiss till the seventh date, but I’m okay with it. On our last date, he reached out awkwardly to hold my hand haha and we were a bit more touchy and our kiss was longer, but nothing crazy which again is fine with me, cause I have stricter boundaries. He also told me he’s never had a girlfriend. All my friends, guys and girls, are saying I need to be more physical and be more fun and “sexy” around him. One of my friends said 23 year old guys get super excited when girls take initiative with physical stuff. Welp being sexy is not really me, I’m quite awkward😂 and second off, we both live at home so it’s hard to initiate physical things when we’re constantly out in public. He also never flirts back when I try to compliment him, he just stands there quietly. It kinda made me sad and scared that I’m not doing what my friends are suggesting, and he’s lost interest.

Anyways, I’ve noticed that for most of our dates, I’ve been the one to text him and say “are you free at all this week?” And then we usually switch off with who comes up with the dates. I’m going out of town later this week, and I suggested a day before I leave, but he said he was busy. But didn’t follow up with another day he’s free. But still continues to text me about random stuff…Is that typical for shy guys, or is he just lazy/halfway interested? Personally, if I’m interested and busy, I would say “I’m busy this day but how about ___ or when you get back?” Idk guys what do u think??

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