So guys, what is the harm in striking up a harmless convo with an attractive woman/man while married, to see if you still got it?

  1. To see if you’ve still got what? Conversation skills? The ability to flirt with someone other than your spouse and have it reciprocated? If it’s the latter, and it’s something that your spouse wouldn’t be comfortable with if they knew it was happening, then I can’t imagine it would be seen as a harmless conversation from your partner’s perspective.

  2. It’s the kind of thing that involved too many parties to be one-sided. Of course you aren’t taking it as something serious, but be sure to explain that to your partner and that they don’t have any issued with it, since it could lead easily to misunderstandings. Also, if the person you flirt with takes it seriously, you are starting to do this at the cost of someone else’s feelings. And then there’s also you, because if you feel like you need to know if you still got it, I think there’s some more important troubled behind that.

  3. It really depends on how your partner feels about it. I’d personally say it’s fine as long as it doesn’t go anywhere, but don’t do something that’ll damage your relationship

  4. It’s like a fat kid walking past the kitchen to look at the freshly baked cookies….chances are something’s going to end up n your mouth

  5. If you want to see if “you’ve still got it”, it’ll never be a harmless conversation.

  6. Actual harm? None. Perceived harm and reactionary harm? Tons.

    I personally wouldn’t be bothered if my wife had some conversational fun with a guy. Have at it. But if I did it my wife would be incensed. My wife can’t even understand why a person would watch porn or look at girls online, or even a woman walking by. A man in a relationship should be 100% satisfied with looking at his wife according to my wife.

  7. My husband is a huge flirt with my friends and they all love it. We are super solid and they are all married, but they love to be flirty and funny and I am totally fine with it!

  8. If you’re going to woman other than your wife for that kind of attention you may still got “it” but what you don’t have is a happy marriage.

  9. No harm. Flirting is a fun, normal mode of interaction. It’s great when you are meet someone who is goose at it.

  10. No harm in your mind. Your partner may think very differently and cause harm though. Just be smart about it and don’t put yourself in positions where your intentions could be misconstrued

  11. If the motivation is affirmation and an ego boost, the harm is in needing more than just a flirtatious conversation at some point to get that.

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