I had a social childhood up until middle school. I got expelled and my parents kept me indoors. They always felt tv and phone was enough and I didn’t need to go out. I was homeschooled 8th grade and half of 10th grade. Went back to school and ( at the time I didn’t know what it was called) felt awkward tension between myself and certain peers. Anyways, I’m an adult now 28/F. Every interaction with anyone, co workers, drive thru employees, even my own family I’m socially awkward. I can feel awkward tension w anyone and I can’t seem to control or stop thinking about. I notice how uncomfortable I can make people feel. Im embarrassed by it. It’s ruining my life, I have no desire in therapy because I tried it few years ago and it just didn’t help. I wfh and I’m trying to leave the house more to be around people but everytime I’m around people I can just feel the awkward tension. Any thoughts, help, advice ?

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