Hi all,

We’ve been together for a year and for a long time her sweet tooth never really bothered me, she’d always have desert at dinner and sweet snacks throughout the day etc. I don’t tend to because I find it really addictive and having it in my house means I’ll probably just eat it all rather than eat it in moderation.

We’ve been talking about moving in together in 3-4 months and recently I’ve started to think her stocking sweet stuff in the house which I feel like will likely impact my eating habits as like I said I’m really bad at restraint. I’m not sure how I approach talking to her about it as she’s quite sensitive when someone questions her eating habits mainly from how her parents used to treat her. I feel like this is going to cause a big divide between us.

I read online that the best way to deal with a sweet tooth online is just to completely cold turkey it but I just think that will not happen with my partner and is not feasible.

For more detail its not like I don’t eat ANY sweet treats, I just don’t stock it in the house so when I want something it has to be slightly outside my reach so I only get it on fewer occasions when I really want it.

The only reason this is bugging me is because I have noticed my own sugar intake has increased since we’ve been together, and I’m buying sugar more frequently even when I’m not with her. I have a lot of health anxiety so I try to maintain quite a healthy lifestyle because of just general fear of getting fatal conditions.

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