Hey good morning everyone that’s reading this. Forgive me if the grammar is weird, but I’m using voice to text because I just want to get this off my chest.

Last night me and my boyfriend were having sex and he asked me if I could say another man’s name someone that I work with specifically and verbatim also said if I could say another man’s name, specifically someone that I work with that he doesn’t know but knows that I know if that makes any sense.

For some context of our relationship we live together we have our own apartment been dating for closer to over 1 and half year. Sex Life is great. We are fairly kinky, nothing too crazy this has probably been the most I guess the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done because it felt really wrong

Anyways, so when he initially asked me, I was kind of defiant. I guess I didn’t really want to. I would only do it if he chose the name he wanted me to say and we were doing this while we were having sex so it was kind of hard.

Initially, the first name that I said was his middle name and I guess he didn’t realize it at the time but I did say that and then after we were done and feeling good, he enjoyed it. He kind of crept up on me and he was like so who’s so so I was like oh it’s your middle name and then we kind of just laughed and then he said it didn’t count .

Anyways, another round, hesitantly eventually said an actual person‘s name that I work with but also sort of just made it up because this name that I said was pretty common and there was a lot of people in the office named that etc. wasn’t anyone I knew personally or had any interest in, kind of said all this just because he wanted me too, and this whole thing was mainly for him, my boyfriend

Really curious as to why he asked me for this. He told me because he said he likes the idea of me getting off to another dudes dick i think in a way? Idk. Also did the whole “ i have a bf “ thing in bed a bit.

Anyways, I’m so sorry for the long text. I will do my best try and revise it but yeah, just want to get this off my chest. never heard of anything like this so I figured I just make my own post. If There’s anyone out there whos kind of maybe experience the same thing maybe or has any Comments or thoughts that they want to share. Google was no help so yeah

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