I’m a 22 years old male. I can’t find myself having at least one normal relationship with an individual, even with my girlfriend. I feel no one has trust in me to just talk about their every day life or what has been going on lately, I think the problem is that I don’t know how to act or what to respond and what should my reaction be in return to theirs. I have tried many things such as agreeing with them, being against them, being excited about their topic or just to be myself, but non of them has worked. as a result I can’t spend time with an individual person, it’s always cringey and after that I can see that they runaway from being alone with me. Being in a group is not much better than being with an individual, It’s just there is more people and there is no need for me to talk and show myself and I kind a fade-in in the group, not giving opinions about where to go what to do etc. I feel like being no one.

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