Asked a girl out from university, which other friends of hers and mine have told me that she thought I was cute. I thought she seemed cute and interesting too so I thought what the heck and asked her out and she said yes.

We texted and planned a day and time and she seemed into it and I was getting excited until the morning of the date when I wake up with a text saying she got in a bad car accident last night and was shaken up but asked to reschedule and that she would let me know on Monday but hasn’t texted me back still.

Wondering if I should even text her back to see what’s up or if she changed her mind or trying to give a hint she’s not interested or if she’s just actually busy and forgot. (She did start a new job this week)

Btw here are screenshots of the texts of the convo for yall to analyze:

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(A few texts came after basically me wishing her well on her new job but it says she hasn’t even read those texts.)

1 comment
  1. Think in this situation you should let it be. She did not forget, but is undoubtedly busy. You will probably hear from her by the weekend. If not, give it a month and then ask her if she ever got her car fixed.

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