I have been dating this guy for the past 6 months, and things seemed to be going really well. We even took a trip together recently and had an amazing time. He had broken up with his ex about a year ago, and I thought he was ready to move on and build something new with me.

However, over the past week, he suddenly became very cold and distant. I couldn’t understand what had changed. Today, I found out through a mutual friend that he has gotten back together with his ex.

I’m completely devastated and blindsided by this turn of events. I really thought we had something special, and I never imagined he would go back to his ex after all this time. I feel used and discarded, like the past 6 months meant nothing to him.

I know I need to go no contact to heal and move on, but it’s so hard when I had invested so much of myself into this relationship. How do I cope with the sudden loss and betrayal? Has anyone else been through a similar situation where their partner suddenly went back to their ex? Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.

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