What do you offer as a partner?

  1. I’m okay looking, I’ve got my life together, I’ve got a couple of cute kids, I have a giant fluffy dog who’s great to snuggle, I own a house and a car, I’m good in bed.

  2. I’m thoughtful. I’ve been told I’m sweet and kind. I’m always thinking of nice things I could do or cute gifts for people. I’m fiercely loyal to those who I accept into my inner circle.

  3. I’ve been told I’m empathetic, kind, attentive, and I make women feel safe.

    I have full time employment a car and my own place.

    Unfortunately not that attractive so those things are not really that valuable

  4. I pay attention, I don’t step out, I cook and clean up after myself, and I can fix shit.

  5. Legs for days, chef level cooking and sharp wit & humor

    Not too shabby in the satchel either

  6. I was a pretty good husband… I can cook, I keep a clean and tidy house, I’ve got a good job, I’m empathetic and even-keeled, I’m great at planning dates, and most people seem to like me socially at least.

  7. It depends on what my partner wants or needs. Some things that I’d offer one partner would do more harm than good to another partner. So, ig it’s supply and demand.

  8. That’s a question only he could answer-because his answer would undoubtedly be different to mine. I hope unconditional love, security, safety and being his biggest fan!

  9. I’ll be the furnace in the winter, always willing to learn new things or have new experiences and I greatly value alone time/peace and quiet together on the couch. 
    No pressure from me to always be chasing the next best ‘gram photo.

  10. I’m loyal. Kind. Won’t judge. Know what I’m worth and I’m faithful. I’ll let you do your own thing BUT I offer a lot of communication if needed, I also come with a lot of reassurance if needed. Which I also need sometimes. I’m loving, my love language is touching and words of affection. Caring. And if I’m together with someone I’m also the type of person who would drive an hour just to spend 30 minutes with you. Oh and you can be quite certain that no matter what I will be there for you and will be supportive and proud of you.

    I was like this with my ex. She said I was her best partner out of the few she had. Yet she left me for “just a friend” when it got difficult between us because of me getting insecure about her ongoing texts with him. Guess there’s that too. I can also be insecure, but never without a reason and I’m not insecure about who I am, but always about certain actions and am always busy with how to improve myself and improve the relationship with that

  11. Medium grade satisfaction including Stability, logic, sex, inflation adjusted middle class life style, and acceptance by your mom and dad.

  12. I am fully autonomous, can take care of myself, am financially, spiritually, and emotionally independent. I have hobbies, stay active, and I’m in good shape overall.

    Which apparently means I am wholly undateable.

  13. Probably nothing. People can probably sense that a mile away, which is why no one wants to be with me. They know something I don’t.

  14. I offer 100% lifelong financial support and complete protection against all the hard stuff in life. I manage all the finances and have saved for our future. I do a good share of the household chores. I’m a loving husband and Dad. I’m also a fool.

  15. Sorry, the position’s taken. Good luck with your future endeavors.

  16. A stable mood, calm mannerisms, an allright (so not high, but comfy) salary, secure job, music (hobby musician), gaming buddy, semi active lifestyle (bicycling), techy (programmer), enthusiasm for food and fine dining (cooking and eating), beer/wine enthusiast

    not sure how attractive that is, but i guess it summarizes me.

  17. I can cook, clean, bake, communicate my feelings, I’m funny, loyal, and in the process of getting a degree that will set me up for the future with the ability to drastically improve income as well.

    When my partner needs me, I’m there and will pay attention to them. Whether they want to vent or they’re in a position to want to do something about it, I’m there either way. I’m not a judgey person so I don’t care how stupid they think the issue is, if it’s an issue we need to discuss it.

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