What ***fun*** stuff did you ask for as a kid but your parents flat out refused?

Not talking about anything odd, or stuff they simply couldn’t afford – stuff that was a fairly reasonable request and lots of kids had, but your parents refused.

For me –
\* Trainers that lit up
\* Mr Frosty
\* Operation
\* One of those red and yellow car thingies

I’m still mildly upset about the trainers decades later and now hate seeing kids wearing Heelies as I get a little jealous.

It wasn’t even a safety thing as they bought me Buckaroo (lawsuit waiting to happen), I had rollerskates/rollerblades, and they let me use really cheap “makeup” as a little kid…

Bonus question: Did you buy any of it as an adult just because you could? I think my love of shoes stems from not being allowed those trainers, and now I can buy whatever shoes I want 🙂

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