If you could create your own charity organization or non-profit, what local social issue or problem would it address and how would your organization make an impact. Why is this important to you?

  1. We would be a NGO focused on free women’s healthcare. That’s about it. It’s important to me because I’m horrified of women not having access to birth control and abortions. It’s also important to me because it’s a big f u to every fake abortion clinic run by a church. They will all burn in hell, you know it, I know it, they even know it. Urgh. Got me all worked up.

  2. I have a permanent physical disability from a traumatic birth. One of the best specialists for said disability works in my city so it was an easy 20 min drive to see him as a kid. I see loads of people from other cities and countries traveling just for a consult for their kids, hoping they’ll be able to receive treatment. Would be cool to help these families with travel expenses at least.

  3. I have always wanted to create a non profit that donates feminine hygiene products to incarcerated women. Women are not provided these, yet they are a necessity. It is just cruel to deny these to women simply because they are incarcerated.

  4. I would create an infocooperative, that is, a worker-owned company that provides remote or semi-remote jobs for unemployed or underemployed people in several areas such as education, software and game development, entertainment, graphic design, advertising, among others. It would be useful for giving a source of income to people who cannot find work in the mainstream job market, such as those with disabilities, stay-at-home parents, etc. Plus, it could create free and open source alternatives to paid softwares and services.

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