Well. This is gonna sound crazy but it’s been about 4 years and I still love my ex. I am F24 and he is M28, we dated for about 3 years. We had an amazing relationship overall, we were happy. He had fixed up a house for us to live in when I got my car situation at the time fixed and once we had gotten married in the future. I was a very heavy weed smoker and that’s the only thing that he disliked. One day I was going to get an edible for myself and he asked if I could buy him one and unfortunately I did. That’s where the problem started, they were 400mg medical grade THC ropes, and this would be his first time trying anything THC. I warned him when he picked me up from my house, while we hung out and on the ride back to my house to drop me off, to not eat more than a small bite about an inch in size but that is not what he did.. He ate the whole thing and I had no idea, he had to go to the hospital and after he was released his family got in touch with me to let me know what happened. (He wasn’t responding to my texts and calls so I was definitely freaking out, at the time I had no idea what was going on) basically it ended our relationship. He didn’t want to talk to me, I was so worried about him and tried my best to understand and be there. No use. Eventually I went into a dark depression, drank a lot and started heavily smoking even worse. My best friend, M27, noticed and eventually started to cheer me up anyway he could and eventually I gave him a chance. We are currently dating right now and we’ve had a lot of good times, I do love him but I’m not sure it’s the same kind of love I had for my ex. Current bf now is an amazing guy, he does love me a lot, however he has no job, no license, no car, still lives with his parents, and heavily relies on weed while I’ve been sober a year now after going to a mental ward for 3 months. I feel like I am trapped and do not know what to do since we’ve been dating almost 3 years.. We were best friends for 12 years prior to dating and I knew he had a crush on me I just never really gave him a chance. (Big time friend zone) I don’t know what to do honestly. I’m not going to lie this week I had tried contacting my ex and he hasn’t responded, I am at a loss. I just don’t really feel the same way towards my boyfriend, his family loves me and it’ll be hard to say goodbye but what should I do? Should I try contacting my ex and break up with my current boyfriend? Or should I stay single?

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