I am at my wits end and truly considering the notion that marriage is not worth it and it’s an absolute lie sold to us. I (f29) am married to (m29) we were dating for 5 years before getting married and we’ve been married for 2 years and I feel the only time we’ve been happy was before we lived together.

We had fights before living together, the normal “You spend to much time gaming” “I work to much” “You don’t share your feeling with me” etc.

Intimacy and doing things together has always been very important to me and before we moved in together our sex life was fantastic and adventurous, now that we’re married it has al but sizzled out and died. We constantly are having fights about our dead bedroom and if I want to go out then I have to do it alone. Money was tight this year but we did nothing for our anniversary and we didn’t even celebrate my birthday, I’m not materialistic but give me at least a chocolate slab or something to make me feel you care! His mother made a bigger deal about my birthday and our anniversary than he did. I read so many books about marriage trying to not feel like we are two geriatric roommates and it just feels like he is okay with it as is. I’m tired of having the same fights over and over.

I honestly love this man and feel I’ll never love someone this fiercely again, but marriage is feeling suffocating and like a prison of constant disappointment.

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