She is 44f and we’ve been married 20+ years. I had the snip right after our third kid which was a while ago (in middle school now). But my wife is still very regularly ovulating (gets her period regularly each month).

For me, it’s a huge turn on if we’re having intimacy and I notice (from her body signs) that she is definitely within her fertile window. It is obvious to me because she feels dramatically different and extra incredible. It happened recently and I was 99% sure she must be, and I couldn’t stop myself in that moment of my lust asking her “Baby you *MUST* be ovulating, right?” And she was like “I think so, I’m not sure, keep going…” — I think she usually doesn’t exactly know because she doesn’t track herself super close until she starts getting reminders on her cycle app.

For me, I’m pretty sure this turn-on feeling harkens back to the past when we were trying for each of our kids, and I always thought it made the sex even sexier that I was literally trying to get her pregnant. That in those moments, both our bodies were in unison, trying to reproduce.

She tracks her cycle on an app, and I separately track it too as like a backup / quality control for her (sometimes she forgets to put her first day in the app and doesn’t remember ‘til weeks later and she’ll ask me when her first day was). So after this recent time I pulled up my data and I confirmed that she was definitely within her fertile window. Once I realized I was correct, it made me kind of really happy and proud that I know my wife in that way so well — which is kind of silly I know, but it did.

I know with her age that this will soon change for us. But I also know this will not change at all for me how extremely sexy and desirable that she still is every day.

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