Long story short I overheard this guy I slept with a while ago basically say i was the worst sex he’s ever had 😬😬😬
Short story long we were out with a group of mutual friends, VERY drunk, it happened, he has a lot more experience than me, I felt the need to explain this beforehand because I’m a very insecure person and wanted to clarify, however he seemed reassuring and made me feel comfortable. The next day when he left I just had a really bad feeling about it, like what if he tells our mutual friends im disgusting and my body is disgusting and that I was terrible, but time went by and I was just telling myself that it’s fine and I’m just overthinking, until a couple weeks ago at a social gathering I get told that he is telling people that I’m the worst sex he’s ever had and I just died inside. Since then I just can’t seem to get over it, my confidence is wrecked and I just can’t feel good about myself at all.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get over this? Any similar situations? Or any sex tips since I clearly need it lmao

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