Didnt mean the title sound like that but i forgot the word when someone wants to be with you all the time.

Background: we’ve known each other for many years since we went to the same class then i asked her out when we were 18 and 18. 21 now.

We hang out almost everyday and i love hanging out with her. Recently she doesn’t spend time with her girl friends anymore or her best friend, nothing happend to their relationship as far as i know but she switched all the activites she does with them with me, for example she went to the gym with her best friend before all time, now she goes with me only. Whenever she tells me what shes going to do like a girls night, she always says at the end that she’ll reschedule if i want to hang out that day. also when i try to buy her stuff or pay for dates she never wants me to spend any money on her, when i buy her stuff without her knowing she always ask me what i spent on it, even though she knows im doing well for myself, but when she buys me stuff which she does all the time she tells me not to worry about the price.

Btw its not that i dont wanna hang out with her all the time i wish i could but i feel like it affects her other aspects of life bad

Wrote this kind of badly but i do love her, i just feel like she does so much for me she forgets her own life and i feel bad

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